Single Maps
Mods consisting of one level. If anyone reading knows of other mods that aren't listed here, feel free to @ the writer on Discord.
The star symbols indicate the difficulty of the levels. Levels with no rating either haven't been played by the page author or he simply doesn't remember.
Mods either have a link to the Bethesda website or Nexus if they haven't been already uploaded to the Mod Portal.
(*) indicates mods that haven't been ported to the Mod Portal yet.
(***) indicates mods that existed at one point but the files aren't available anymore.
Difficulty and length of the levels are subjective to the page author, depending on the player they might feel more or less difficult/long
Official idStudio Maps
Graveyard by id Software
New idStudio Maps
Levitation - Ascend by Saleem
Umbral Excavation by Velser
Forgotten Forest by Doom Wads
Praetor Ward by JackofBlackPhoenix
Prime by iW1CKED
Hell Outskirts by DOOM-MARINE
Precipice by Simploooo
Lost Titan by DjAdynon
Chessboard by Jamesp9000
Chessboard 2 by Jamesp9000
Slayer's Pastime by Zumb3041
Infernum by iW1CKED
Hellfire Cavern by alsikggg
Challenger Series #01 by iW1CKED
Challenger Series #01 (Balanced) by iW1CKED
Nifleheim Pass by MicrowavedBunny
ICY_HOT by Cory50
The Last Church of the Holy by DjAdynon
Graveyard Master Level by Saleem
Slayer's Museum by SlayerFozzy
Subzero by iW1CKED
66 Demon Kills by pvphorror
Endless Chessboard by Jamesp9000
Luna Eterna by marimbamike
Heaven Ascent - The Ancient Gods Part 3 by FXHEXCEN
idStudio Recreations
Quake E1M1 by nhaselton
Quake E1M1 by NoodleCat924
Doom E1M1 by Bloodshot1
Bob-omb Battlefield by MicrowavedBunny
Dead Simple by Shadesmaster
Dead Simple by DOOM-MARINE
Doom II Entryway by DOOM-MARINE
Bloody Simple by Jamesp9000
GM Construct by Fein_EZ
Base Campaign
Hell on Earth
Official Master Level by id Software - ★☆☆☆☆ (~15 Minutes)
Apocalypse on Earth (*) by Nayrham - ★★★★☆
Tormented Earth by MicrowavedBunny
Consumed Earth by Bysior21
Back on Earth (*) by Cuzzmotion
Master Level (*) by quan
La Grande Sheitanerie (*) by Payoyo
Official Master Level by id Software - ★☆☆☆☆ (~20 Minutes)
Exuden by leix34 & SeaBazT - ★★★☆☆ (~40 Minutes)
Master Level by Beth
Not Exultia by offwine - ★★★★☆ (~50 Minutes)
Master Level by Buttface
Cultist Base
Slaughter Map by klinecars72 - ★★★☆☆ (~35 Minutes)
Master Level by offwine - ★★★★☆ (~70 Minutes)
Doom Hunter Base
Official Master Level by id Software - ★★☆☆☆ (~20 Minutes)
Master Level by Beth
Doom Hunter Based by Zandyball - ★★★☆☆ (~40 Minutes)
Doom Hunter Fortress by TIIKKETMASTER - ⛧⛧⛧⛧⛧ (???)
Slaughter Arena by Buttface
Super Gore Nest
Slaughter Arena by Delta - ★★☆☆☆ (~15 Minutes)
Slaughter Map (*) by nxmxlxss - ★★★★☆ (~25 Minutes)
Slaughter Map Rework (*) by nxmxlxss
Master Level by offwine - ★★★★★ (~70 Minutes)
The Battle Inside (*) by CRISCANCER
Super More Nest (*) by ModMadder
Demon Possession Challenge (*) by ecksdii - ★☆☆☆☆ (~25 Minutes)
Master Level Rework by Buttface
Arc Complex
Master Levels by Beth
CARCH Complex by Zandyball - ★☆☆☆☆/⛧⛧⛧⛧⛧ (???)
Mars Core
Master Level (*) by FaDa - ★☆☆☆☆ (~25 Minutes)
Master Level by Beth - ★★☆☆☆ (~25 Minutes)
Master Level by offwine
Mars Den Core (*) by leix34 and Payoyo - ★★★★☆ (~55 Minutes)
Mars Core Remix by Konvaz
Sentinel Prime
Official Master Level by id Software - ★☆☆☆☆ (~5 Minutes)
Master Level by Kaiser - ★★☆☆☆ (~10 Minutes)
Master Level by offwine - ★★★☆☆ (~30 Minutes)
Taras Nabad
Slaughter Map (*) by proteh - ★★☆☆☆ (~10 Minutes)
Master Level by Beth
Master Level by offwine - ★★★★★ (~120 Minutes)
Master Level (*) by Saleem - ★★★★☆ (~60 Minutes)
Master Level Rework (*) by Payoyo - ★★★☆☆ (~40 Minutes)
Master Level Tweak (*) by fhqwhgads7
Slaughter Map by klinecars72 - ★★☆☆☆ (~30 Minutes)
(***) Master Level by Korra
Master Level by Beth - ★☆☆☆☆ (~20 Minutes)
Hell's Abyss by Bysior21
Nekroval by slightlylucy
Nekravol II
Master Level by Beth
Leaky Nekravol (*) by Zandyball - ★★★☆☆ (~20 Minutes)
Master Level by Buttface
Corrupted Khan Maykr (*) by omi - ★★★★★ (~10 Minutes)
Master Level by Beth - ★★☆☆☆ (~20 Minutes)
Slaughter Level by Alpha - ★★★☆☆ (~25 Minutes)
Unholy Urdak (*) by idk929
Final Sin
Master Level by offwine - ★★★☆☆ (~35 Minutes)
Master Level by Kaiser - ★★☆☆☆ (~25 Minutes)
The Ancient Gods Part 1
UAC Atlantica Facility
Master Level by Delta - ★★★★★ (~130 Minutes)
Master Level by Konvaz - ★★★☆☆ (~45 Minutes)
CBT Atlantica Facility by idk929 - ⛧⛧⛧⛧⛧ (~90 Minutes)
Skill Issue Encounter (*) by MicrowavedBunny - ⛧⛧⛧⛧⛧ (???)
Slaughter Map (*) by nxmxlxss - ★★★★★ (~45 Minutes)
UAC Artantica (*) by Cuzzmotion
The Blood Swamps
Master Level by Saleem - ★★★★★ (~75 Minutes)
Master Level by Konvaz - ★★★☆☆ (~50 Minutes)
Idoratrize Blood Swamps by Athollu - ⛧⛧⛧⛧⛧ (~20 Minutes)
Slaughter Map (*) by nxmxlxss
The Holt
Descent into Chaos by TacoWenzdayz - ★★★★★ (~50 Minutes)
Master Level by Saleem - ★★★★☆ (~65 Minutes)
Master Level by offwine - ★★★★★ (~130 Minutes)
Slaughter Holt by Athollu - ★★★★☆ (~25 Minutes)
Master Level by Buttface
(***) Master Level by Draganescu
The Ancient Gods Part 2
The World Spear
Master Level by Delta - ★★★★★ (~80 Minutes)
Recharged World Spear (*) by Jewstin - ★★☆☆☆ (~25 Minutes)
Slaughter Map (*) by nxlxmxss
Demon Possession Challenge (*) by Alby
Slaughter Master Level (*) by quan
The World Den (*) by Payoyo and the Den
Reclaimed Earth
Master Level by Rainlight - ★★★☆☆ (~40 Minutes)
Master Level by proteh - ★★★☆☆ (~35 Minutes)
ReclaimDen (*) by Payoyo - ★★★☆☆ (~40 Minutes)
Unreclaimed Earth by idk929 - ⛧⛧⛧⛧⛧⛧ (~90 Minutes)
Master Level by Cuzzmotion
Master Level by Konvaz
Slaughter Map by nxmxlxss
Hell Den (*) by Payoyo
Hell Den Beta by Payoyo
The Dark Lord
Master Level by Konvaz - ★★☆☆☆ (~15 Minutes)
Legacy AI Showcase Map by Nayrham - ★★☆☆☆ (~10 Minutes)
Corrosion (*) by Konvaz - ★★☆☆☆ (~20 Minutes)
Stronghold (*) by Konvaz - ★★★☆☆ (~45 Minutes)
Torment (*) by Konvaz - ★★★★☆ (~80 Minutes)
Extraction (*) by Konvaz
Daisy's Lament by MicrowavedBunny
Randomizers (*)
Cultist Base by offwine
Mars Core by Beth
Sentinel Prime by offwine
Taras Nabad by Payoyo
Nekravol by Beth
Urdak by Beth
UAC Atlantica by Konvaz
The Blood Swamps by Konvaz
Immora by Cuzzmotion
The Tutorial Master Level (*) by MrEggawott
The Best Master Level of All Time (*) by Konvaz
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