An eventCall to clear any faction overrides set by a preceding setFactionRelation
in an idEncounterManager.
item[0] = {
eventCall = {
eventDef = "clearFactionOverrides";
args = {
num = 0;
Example Usage
item[0] = {
eventCall = {
eventDef = "setFactionRelation";
args = {
num = 4;
item[0] = {
eEncounterSpawnType_t = "ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_BARON"; // instigatorSpawnType
item[1] = {
string = ""; // groupLabel
item[2] = {
eEncounterSpawnType_t = "ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_CYBER_MANCUBUS"; // targetSpawnType
item[3] = {
socialEmotion_t = "EMOTION_DESTROY_AT_ALL_COSTS"; // relation
item[1] = {
eventCall = {
eventDef = "setFactionRelation";
args = {
num = 4;
item[0] = {
eEncounterSpawnType_t = "ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_CYBER_MANCUBUS"; // instigatorSpawnType
item[1] = {
string = ""; // groupLabel
item[2] = {
eEncounterSpawnType_t = "ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_BARON"; // targetSpawnType
item[3] = {
socialEmotion_t = "EMOTION_DESTROY_AT_ALL_COSTS"; // relation
item[2] = {
eventCall = {
eventDef = "waitKillCount";
args = {
num = 3;
item[0] = {
eEncounterEventFlags_t = "ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_ANY";
item[1] = {
int = 1;
item[2] = {
string = "";
item[3] = {
eventCall = {
eventDef = "clearFactionOverrides";
args = {
num = 0;
In this example setFactionRelation
is used to create infighting between Barons and Cyber-Mancubi. Once the player has killed 1 of any ai type, clearFactionOverrides
is used to restore normal behaviour, having them attack the player instead.
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