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An entity that will play FX.


entity {
	layers {
		"game/pvp/slayer_team" // give the FX a layer
	instanceId = 4206901337; // give the FX an instance ID so it can easily be attached to a timeline.
	originalName = "left_func_fx_slayer_portal_1";
	entityDef invasion_left_func_fx_slayer_portal_1_4206901337 { // use the entityDef when targeting this entity
	inherit = "func/fx";
	class = "idEntityFx";
	expandInheritance = false;
	poolCount = 0;
	poolGranularity = 2;
	networkReplicated = false;
	disableAIPooling = false;
	edit = {
		flags = {
			canBecomeDormant = true;
		dormancy = {
			delay = 5;
			distance = 78.029007;
		spawnPosition = {
			x = 1;
			y = 1;
			z = 1;
		spawnOrientation = { // spawn orientation requires all 3 mat
			mat = {
				mat[0] = {
					x = 1;
					y = 0;
					z = 0;
				mat[1] = {
					x = 0;
					y = 1;
					z = 0;
				mat[2] = {
					x = 0;
					y = 0;
					z = 1;
		fxEffect = "gameplay/invasion/teleporter_flat_demon"; // the FX used
		renderModelInfo = {
			scale = {
				x = 1;
				y = 1;
				z = 1;