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An eventCall to set the index of the next script in an idEncounterManager.


item[0] = {
	eventCall = {
		eventDef = "setNextScriptIndex";
		args = {
			num = 1;
			item[0] = { // nextScriptIndex
				int = 1;
  • nextScriptIndex is the index of next script

Example Usage

entity { // Custom Encounter #1
	entityDef mod_encounter_manager_custom_1 {
	inherit = "encounter/manager";
	class = "idEncounterManager";
	expandInheritance = false;
	poolCount = 0;
	poolGranularity = 2;
	networkReplicated = true;
	disableAIPooling = false;
	edit = {
		enableAIHighlightOnFinish = true;
		playerMetricDef = "encounter/player_metrics";
		chargeCombatGrouping = "encounter/combat_role/charge_command";
		aiTypeDefAssignments = "actorpopulation/default/default_no_bosses";
		spawnPosition = {
			x = 0;
			y = 0;
			z = 0;
		soundOcclusionBypass = true;
		combatRatingScale = "COMBAT_RATING_SCALE_IGNORE";
		encounterComponent = {
			entityEvents = {
				num = 2;
				item[0] = { // Part 0
					entity = "mod_encounter_manager_custom_1";
					events = {
						num = 5;
						item[0] = {
							eventCall = {
								eventDef = "setMusicState";
								args = {
									num = 3;
									item[0] = {
										entity = "sound_sound_musicentity_1";
									item[1] = {
										decl = {
											soundstate = "music_ghost_states/main_heavy";
									item[2] = {
										string = "";
						item[1] = {
							eventCall = {
								eventDef = "spawnSingleAI";
								args = {
									num = 3;
									item[0] = {
										eEncounterSpawnType_t = "ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_BARON";
									item[1] = {
										entity = "ai_target_spawn_87";
									item[2] = {
										string = "";
						item[2] = {
							eventCall = {
								eventDef = "waitAIRemaining";
								args = {
									num = 3;
									item[0] = {
										eEncounterSpawnType_t = "ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_ANY";
									item[1] = {
										int = 0; // desired_remaing_ai_count
									item[2] = {
										string = ""; // group_label
						item[3] = {
							eventCall = {
								eventDef = "setNextScriptIndex";
								args = {
									num = 1;
									item[0] = { // index of next script
										int = 1;
						item[4] = {
							eventCall = {
								eventDef = "proceedToNextScript";
								args = {
									num = 2;
									item[0] = {
										bool = true; // bypassNextWaitForCommit
									item[1] = {
										bool = true; // carryOverExistingUserFlags
				item[1] = { // Part 1
					entity = "mod_encounter_manager_custom_1";
					events = {
						num = 2;
						item[0] = {
							eventCall = {
								eventDef = "setMusicState";
								args = {
									num = 3;
									item[0] = {
										entity = "sound_sound_musicentity_1";
									item[1] = {
										decl = {
											soundstate = "music_ghost_states/main_ambient";
									item[2] = {
										string = "";
						item[1] = {
							eventCall = {
								eventDef = "activateTarget";
								args = {
									num = 2;
									item[0] = {
										entity = "game_target_count_cp11"; // target
									item[1] = {
										string = ""; // designComment

In this example we use setNextScriptIndex after all there are no ai remaning, followed by proceedToNextScript to advance to the next script. Note that the encounter manager has to be split into multiple scripts (line 26 and 110) in order for setNextScriptIndex to work properly. The next script index does not have to be in sequential order either, as in an encounter manager with 4 scripts, it is possible to advance from script 0 to script 3, skipping over scripts 1 and 2.

See Also