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Single Maps

(WORK-IN-PROGRESS) Mods consisting of one level.

The star symbols indicate the difficulty of the levels. Levels with no rating either haven't been played by the page author or he simply doesn't remember.

(*) indicates mods that don't work on the latest version of Doom Eternal in their current form and some extra steps will be needed in order to make them work.

(**) indicates Discord-only mods, you'll want to join the server to get them if you haven't already:

(***) indicates mods that existed at one point but the files aren't available anymore.

Difficulty and lenght of the levels are subjective to the page author, depending on the player they might feel more or less difficult/long

Base Campaign

Hell on Earth

Conquered Earth by Nayrham - ★★★★☆

La Grande Sheitanerie by Payoyo


Exuden by leix34 & SeaBazT - ★★★☆☆ (~40 Minutes)

Master Level by Beth

Not Exultia by offwine - ★★★★☆ (~50 Minutes)

Cultist Base

Slaughter Map by klinecars72 - ★★★☆☆ (~35 Minutes)

Master Level by offwine - ★★★★☆ (~70 Minutes)

Doom Hunter Base

Master Level by Beth

Doom Hunter Based by Zandyball - ★★★☆☆ (~40 Minutes)

Doom Hunter Fortress by TIKKETMASTER - ⛧⛧⛧⛧⛧ (???)

Super Gore Nest

Master Level by offwine - ★★★★★ (~70 Minutes)

Demon Possession Challenge by ecksdii - ★☆☆☆☆ (~25 Minutes)

Arc Complex

CARCH Complex by Zandyball - ★★☆☆☆/⛧⛧⛧⛧⛧ (???)

Mars Core

Master Level by FaDa - ★☆☆☆☆ (~25 Minutes)

Master Level by Beth - ★★☆☆☆ (~25 Minutes)

Mars Den Core by leix34 and Payoyo - ★★★★☆ (~55 Minutes)

Sentinel Prime

Master Level by offwine - ★★★☆☆ (~30 Minutes)

Taras Nabad

Master Level by offwine - ★★★★★ (~120 Minutes)

Master Level by Saleem - ★★★★☆ (~60 Minutes)

Master Level Rework by Payoyo - ★★★☆☆ (~40 Minutes)

Master Level Tweak by fhqwhgads7

Slaughter Map by klinecars72 - ★★☆☆☆ (~30 Minutes)

(***) Master Level by Korra


Master Level by Beth - ★☆☆☆☆ (~20 Minutes)

Nekravol II

Leaky Nekravol by Zandyball - ★★★☆☆ (~20 Minutes)


Master Level by Beth - ★★☆☆☆ (~20 Minutes)

Final Sin

Master Level by offwine - ★★★☆☆ (~35 Minutes)

The Ancient Gods Part 1

UAC Atlantica Facility

Master Level by Konvaz - ★★★☆☆ (~45 Minutes)

CBT Atlantica Facility by idk929 - ⛧⛧⛧⛧⛧ (~90 Minutes)

The Blood Swamps

Master Level by Saleem - ★★★★★ (~75 Minutes)

Master Level by Konvaz - ★★★☆☆ (~50 Minutes)

The Holt

Master Level by Saleem - ★★★★☆ (~65 Minutes)

Master Level by offwine - ★★★★★ (~50 Minutes/~130 Minutes)

Slaughter Holt by Athollu - ★★★★☆ (~25 Minutes)

(***) Master Level by Draganescu

The Ancient Gods Part 2

The World Spear

Recharged World Spear by Jewstin - ★★☆☆☆ (~25 Minutes)

Demon Possession Challenge by Alby


Reclaimed Earth

Unreclaimed Earth by idk929 - ⛧⛧⛧⛧⛧⛧ (~90 Minutes)