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An entity to spawn other entities. Primarily used for idAI2 entities.


entity {
	entityDef example_target_spawn_2016 {
	inherit = "target/spawn";
	class = "idTarget_Spawn";
	expandInheritance = false;
	poolCount = 0;
	poolGranularity = 2;
	edit = {
		"idEntity::entityFlags_t" flags = {
			"bool" noFlood = true;
		spawnEditable = {
			overwriteTraversalFlags = true; // if set to true, use traversalClassFlags to overwrite the ai's flags
			traversalClassFlags = "CLASS_A";
			spawnAt = ""; // idEntity; the entity (demon) spawned by this spawn target will spawn at the listed entity.
			copyTargets = true; // // if true the targeted entity's target list will be copied to the spawned entity
			additionalTargets = {
				num = 0;
				item[0] = ""; // idEntity
			spawnAnim = ""; // aiStateOverride must be set to AIOVERRIDE_PLAY_ENTRANCE_ANIMATION in order to use spawnAnim
			aiStateOverride = "AIOVERRIDE_TELEPORT"; // aiStateOverride_t
		spawnConditions = { // Inherited from idTarget_Spawn_Parent's idSpawnConditions
			maxCount = 0; // maximum number of entities (demons) that this spawn target will spawn
			reuseDelaySec = 0; // delay in seconds, between uses
			doBoundsTest = false;
			boundsTestType = "BOUNDSTEST_NONE"; // boundsTest_t
			fovCheck = 0; // Whether the spawn target is (not) in the player's FOV, in degrees. Use positive values for within, and negative values for outside of
			minDistance = 0; // The player cannot be closer than the specified distance to the spawn target.
			maxDistance = 0; // The player cannot be further than the specified distance to the spawn target.
			neighborSpawnerDistance = -1;
			LOS_Test = "LOS_NONE"; // targetSpawn_LOSTest; to be combined with an FOV test. LOS_NONE no test, LOS_TRUE must be in LOS, LOS_FALSE must not be in LOS
			playerToTest = "PLAYER_SP"; // which player to test for this spawn target; leave as is for the primary player
			conditionProxy = ""; // idInfo_SpawnConditionProxy; entity at location to do LOS, FOV, and distance checks
		spawnPosition = {
			x = 0;
			y = 0;
			z = 0;
		spawnOrientation = { // 0 0 0
			mat = {
				mat[0] = {
					x = 1;
					y = 0;
					z = -0;
				mat[1] = {
					x = 0;
					y = 1;
					z = 0;
				mat[2] = {
					x = 0;
					y = 0;
					z = 1;
		entityDefs = { // entity list to be spawned by the spawn target
			num = 1;
			item[0] = {
				name = "example_ai_imp_1";
		targets = { // target list to be spawned by the spawn target; this can be excluded/left empty if targetSpawnParent is set, it will draw targets from there instead
			num = 0;
			item[0] = "";
		targetSpawnParent = "example_spawn_parent_1"; // idTarget_Spawn_Parent

It should be noted that most of these parameters can be excluded unless needed. An idTarget_Spawn can be simplified down to this, as an example, if all the player wishes to do is be able to spawn in demons with the teleport anim/fx and no other frills.

entity {
	entityDef game_target_spawn_mod_1 {
	inherit = "target/spawn";
	class = "idTarget_Spawn";
	expandInheritance = false;
	poolCount = 0;
	poolGranularity = 2;
	edit = {
		"idEntity::entityFlags_t" flags = {
			"bool" noFlood = true;
		spawnEditable = {
			traversalClassFlags = "CLASS_A";
			aiStateOverride = "AIOVERRIDE_TELEPORT";
		spawnPosition = {
			x = 8717;
			y = 8363;
			z = 6633;
		entityDefs = {
			num = 1;
			item[0] = {
				name = "mod_ai_imp_1";
		targetSpawnParent = "mod_master_spawn_parent";