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An eventCall to spawn a Summoner with an idSummoningTemplate


item[0] = {
	eventCall = {
		eventDef = "spawnSummoner";
		args = {
			num = 4;
			item[0] = {
				entity = ""; // spawnTarget
			item[1] = {
				entity = ""; // summonerTemplate
			item[2] = {
				string = ""; // summoner_label
			item[3] = {
				string = ""; // group_label
  • spawnTarget is the the idTarget_Spawn to use for the Summoner. Note that the spawn target used must link to a idActorAmbientFilter for idResurrectionProxy(s), if the idAI2 does not.
  • summonerTemplate is the idSummoningTemplate to use
  • summoner_label is the label given to the Summoner
  • group_label is the label given to its summoned demons