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EternalMod JSON
This .json file allows mod makers to define information about their mods, such as mod name, autho...
Importing Custom Models
Required Tools: Doom Eternal Model Importer by SamPT - DownloadConverts .OBJ format models into ...
Reference: "resources" Array
In DOOM Eternal, each map has a list of .resources and .streamdb files that will be loaded in the...
Format Overview
The assetsinfo JSON format allows for advanced control over mod injector behavior. The most comm...
An entity that can move around on pre-programmed paths, and also scripted to move around from tim...
Recently Created Chapters View All
Model Modding
Information on how to use custom models in the game.
assetsinfo JSON
The "assetsinfo" JSON can be used to add entirely new assets to the game.
Reverse Engineering Notes
Miscellaneous notes related to id Tech 7 reverse engineering. Much of this is copied from the now...
Logic Graphs (Kiscule)
Kiscule is probably the most powerful scripting tool in the idTech7 engine.
Tips for Wiki Editors
Useful tips for editing wiki content
Recently Created Books View All
ModInjector JSON Guide
Information about the Modinjector JSON format
8. Reverse Engineering / File Formats
Documentation on the id Tech 7 Engine, including known structs and file formats. Intended for dev...
Wiki Rules / How to Contribute
Important: if you'd like to contribute to the Wiki, please read here first.
1. How to Install Mods
Information for people who want to learn how to play DOOM Eternal with mods.
5. Level Modding
Information for creating custom levels and encounters. Documentation on event calls, entity types...