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An eventCall to maintain a certain quantity of respawning idAI2 in an idEncounterManager.


item[0] = {
    eventCall = {
        eventDef = "maintainAICount";
        args = {
            num = 8;
            item[0] = {
                eEncounterSpawnType_t = ""; // spawnType
            item[1] = {
                int = 5; // desired_count
            item[2] = {
                int = 10; // max_spawn_count
            item[3] = {
                float = 5; // min_spawn_delay
            item[4] = {
                int = 1; // min_ai_for_respawn
            item[5] = {
                entity = ""; // spawnGroup
            item[6] = {
                string = ""; // group_label
            item[7] = {
                float = 10; // max_spawn_delay
  • spawnType are the eEncounterSpawnType_t that you want to be spawned. Multiple types can be listed, and the spawned ai types will be randomly chosen from this list. ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_ANY can also be used.
  • desired_count is how many ai this eventCall should spawn up to. To avoid overlapping spawns, desired_count should be <= the number of idTarget_Spawns listed under your idTargetSpawnGroup.
  • max_spawn_count is the maximum number of ai that can be spawned by this eventCall in total. This can be set to -1 for infinite respawns.
  • min_spawn_delay is the minimum delay between each spawn, in seconds. This value also affects how soon before this eventCall spawns its first ai.
  • min_ai_for_respawn triggers the ai respawns when they fall below the value it's set to. min_ai_for_respawn must also be < desired_count.
  • spawnGroup is the idTargetSpawnGroup you want to use.
  • group_label is what label you want to give to the ai spawned by this eventCall. This parameter is optional, and can be left blank.
  • max_spawn_delay is the maximum delay between each spawn, in seconds.

Example Usage

item[0] = {
    eventCall = {
        eventDef = "maintainAICount";
        args = {
            num = 8;
            item[0] = {
                eEncounterSpawnType_t = "ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_ZOMBIE"; // spawnType
            item[1] = {
                int = 10; // desired_count
            item[2] = {
                int = 20; // max_spawn_count
            item[3] = {
                float = 3; // min_spawn_delay
            item[4] = {
                int = 5; // min_ai_for_respawn
            item[5] = {
                entity = "ai_target_spawn_volume_76"; // spawnGroup
            item[6] = {
                string = ""; // group_label
            item[7] = {
                float = 5; // max_spawn_delay

In this example, 10 Zombies will be spawned, with a 3-5s delay between each (re)spawn. When only 5 Zombies remain, they will begin respawning until there are 10 Zombies again. Once 20 Zombies have been spawned in total, this eventCall is complete.