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EternalMod JSON

As of 2021-06-02, the mod loader now supports adding a JSON file at the root of any zipped mod where mod makers can define information about their mods, such as mod name, author(s), description and version number.

This feature is only available for zipped mods. You can not place an EternalMod JSON file at the root of your ~/Mods/ directory; it will be ignored.

How to Use:

Using the EternalMod.json file is simple:

  1. Create a file named "EternalMod.json"
  2. Place the EternalMod.json file at the root of your zipped mod, outside of the container folders. Example: ~/Mods/
  3. Use a text editor such as Notepad++ to edit the file as needed.


This is the format of this JSON file (all fields are optional):

  • name: (string) The name of your mod.
  • author: (string) The author(s) of the mod.
  • description: (string) Description of what your mod does.
  • version: (string) The version number of your mod.
  • loadPriority: (integer) This field determines the load priority of your mod. The lower the number, the higher is the priority. Mods with higher priorities will be loaded last during the mod loading process. For example, a mod with load priority -5 will be loaded after another mod with priority 5). If the load priority is not specified, it will be 0 by default. Unzipped (loose) mods will always be loaded last.
  • requiredVersion: (integer) The minimum mod loader version that is required to install your mod. Normally, you should set this to the current mod loader version number. In order to check the version number the current mod loader, you can run it with the '--version' option: DEternal_loadMods.exe --version

Example File:

Here's an example of an EternalMod.json file with all the fields filled in:

    "name":"Enemy Randomizer",
    "description":"This mod randomizes every enemy encounter in the base game and the DLCs.",