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Load Battlemode Maps in Singleplayer

See Dev Console Basics before proceeding.

These commands will not work if you are in a party.
You are automatically put into a party when you select Play under BATTLEMODE 2.0

Maps can only be loaded as the Slayer.


Load the following command from the Main Menu.

pvp_skipreadyup 1

This automatically skips the intro and ready-up. Replace 1 with 0 (or restart DOOM Eternal) to revert the change.


Map Name Console Command
Celestial (Urdak) map game/pvp/pvp_bronco/pvp_bronco
Corrosion (Blood Swamps) map game/pvp/pvp_darkmetal/pvp_darkmetal
Penance (Hell) map game/pvp/pvp_deathvalley/pvp_deathvalley
Tundra (Cultist Base) map game/pvp/pvp_inferno/pvp_inferno
Forsaken (Sentinel) map game/pvp/pvp_laser/pvp_laser
Torment (UAC Facility) map game/pvp/pvp_shrapnel/pvp_shrapnel
Stronghold (Immora) map game/pvp/pvp_sideswipe/pvp_sideswipe
Armageddon (Super Gore Nest) map game/pvp/pvp_thunder/pvp_thunder
Extraction (Mars) map game/pvp/pvp_zap/pvp_zap