The idSoundEntity must be activated first. Then one of the idMusicEntity entities can be activated.
The setMusicState eventCall will not work, they must be triggered either by an idTarget_Count entity or activateTarget eventCall.
The idMusicEntity playing before activating the DOOM 2016 idSoundEntity might overlap, even persisting between levels. Deactivate it first by switching it to music_ghost_states/none.
entity {
entityDef sound_sound_musicentity_2016 {
inherit = "sound/soundentity";
class = "idSoundEntity";
expandInheritance = false;
poolCount = 0;
poolGranularity = 2;
networkReplicated = false;
disableAIPooling = false;
edit = {
temporarySoundEvent = true;
soundOcclusionBypass = true;
startEvents = {
num = 1;
item[0] = "Play_music_doom_2016_04_surface_1";
stopEvents = {
num = 1;
item[0] = "Play_music_doom_2016_04_surface_1";
entity {
entityDef sound_sound_musicentity_2016_heavy {
inherit = "sound/musicentity";
class = "idMusicEntity";
expandInheritance = false;
poolCount = 0;
poolGranularity = 2;
networkReplicated = false;
disableAIPooling = false;
edit = {
spawnPosition = {
x = 1;
y = 1;
z = 1;
initialState = "music_doom_2016_combat_state/heavy";
entity {
entityDef sound_sound_musicentity_2016_light {
inherit = "sound/musicentity";
class = "idMusicEntity";
expandInheritance = false;
poolCount = 0;
poolGranularity = 2;
networkReplicated = false;
disableAIPooling = false;
edit = {
spawnPosition = {
x = 1;
y = 1;
z = 1;
initialState = "music_doom_2016_combat_state/light";
entity {
entityDef sound_sound_musicentity_2016_ambient {
inherit = "sound/musicentity";
class = "idMusicEntity";
expandInheritance = false;
poolCount = 0;
poolGranularity = 2;
networkReplicated = false;
disableAIPooling = false;
edit = {
spawnPosition = {
x = 1;
y = 1;
z = 1;
initialState = "music_doom_2016_combat_state/map_start";
entity {
entityDef sound_sound_musicentity_2016_end {
inherit = "sound/musicentity";
class = "idMusicEntity";
expandInheritance = false;
poolCount = 0;
poolGranularity = 2;
networkReplicated = false;
disableAIPooling = false;
edit = {
spawnPosition = {
x = 1;
y = 1;
z = 1;
initialState = "music_doom_2016_combat_state/end";
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