3. Command Console
Information about the command console.
Commands & Variables
Information about general console commands and variables.
Command Groups
Information about commands that are specific for a given category.
Meath00k Commands
The Meathook tool is required to execute special commands like noclip and notarget. Meath00k Too...
Performance Commands
Where to find Performance Commands Go to the Developer Console, you can find all the needed comm...
Load Battlemode Maps
See Commands (CMD) for additional help. Skip BATTLEMODE Intro Load the following command from t...
Swap Crucible & Hammer
See Commands (CMD) for additional help. Swap Crucible -> Hammer removeinventoryitem weapon/play...
Player Weapons
See Commands (CMD) for additional help. All Slayer Weapons You can use the give command to add ...
SnapHak/Bubblebear commands
Overview Bubblebear (also known as SnapHak) is a tool by chrispy that adds additional functional...