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An eventCall to apply a damage type to the specified ai in an idEncounterManager.


item[0] = {
	eventCall = {
		eventDef = "damageAI";
		args = {
			num = 3;
			item[0] = {
				decl = {
					damage = ""; // damageType
			item[1] = {
				eEncounterSpawnType_t = ""; // aiType
			item[2] = {
				string = ""; // groupLabel
  • damageType is the path to the decl for the damage type to be used.
  • aiType are the eEncounterSpawnType_t that you want the damage to be applied to.
  • group_label is the label assigned to the ai that will be damaged by this eventCall. This parameter is optional, and can be left blank.

Example Usage

item[0] = {
	eventCall = {
		eventDef = "damageAI";
		args = {
			num = 3;
			item[0] = {
				decl = {
					damage = "damage/triggerhurt/triggerhurt1000_instagib"; // damageType
			item[1] = {
				eEncounterSpawnType_t = "ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_ANY"; // aiType
			item[2] = {
				string = "fodder"; // groupLabel

In this example, triggerhurt1000_instagib is applied to any ai type with the fodder label, killing them instantly.